Saturday, January 15, 2011


Spinach is an annual herb, Spinacia oleracea, which is grown for its nutritious green leaves. Believed to have originated in southwestern Asia, it was introduce into Europe during the middle ages and is now widely cultivated throughout the world. The United States, the Netherlands, and Scandinavian countries are the major producers. Within the United States, California is the leading state for growing commercially processed spinach. Spinach thrives in relatively cool weather. Female forms are slower to boil, a characteristic that led to the development of warm weather varieties in which the plants are primarily female. Under good growing conditions, spinach is ready for harvest about 40 days after seeding. Picking may begin after five leaves have developed and can continue until the seed stalks develop.

Spinach must be planted in early spring or full because it goes to seed quickly in hot weather. Both wrinkled and smooth leaved varieties grow in broad rosettes.

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