Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Second Period Long Bean Harvest Can Be More

The 2nd period long beans harvest is more than the first. The 2nd period is the period after the plants run out of fruiting in period 1 then they are cut for rejuvenation.

So, what farmers usually do when planting long beans is that they always assume that the long bean harvest is only one period. They always let the long bean plants without caring for them after the first harvest period.

What is meant by the first period is the harvest season for about 1 to 1.5 months. After that it died. Even though the second harvest could be more as long as the plants are cared for properly and given enough fertilizer.

In the video below, I am trying to plant long beans and take care of them after the first harvest period by giving enough fertilizer. Long bean plants will thrive again and bear more fruit from the first period.

Find Other Vegetables and Fruits
