Friday, February 11, 2011


Carrot is a member of the umbelliterae family, which also includes celery and parsnip, the carrot, Daucus carota, is a widely grown vegetable. It is naturally a biennial, but it is grown as an annual for its sweet, orange collored root.

Carrot are indigenous to the Near East and central Asia. They were first used as medicinal herbs rather than as vegetables. The root was poorly developed, woody in structure, and yellow or purple in color. Orange roots were not noted the mid-18th century. Propagation is seed sown in rows on raised beds. The raised beds provide a deep, loose soil, which encourages long straigth roots. Marketable size is attained in 75 to 90 days. The sweetest, most tender carrots are harvested before the roots reach their mature size. Highest and quality develop with cool, moderate temperatures.

Most carrots are harvested by machines that lift and top the roots. The roots are washed, graded, and bagged. Some carrots are harvested by hand, bunched, and sold with the tops. Carrots are also grown for canning, freezing, or use in soups and prepared products. They are consumed raw or cooked and are an important source of vitamin A in the human diet.

Other Vegetables:
  1. Edible Legumes
  2. Root and Tuber crops
  3. Sweet Potato
  4. Tomato

Find Other Vegetables and Fruits
