Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Banana Trees without Leaves still bear Fruit

The following is my banana tree which has had its leaves trimmed because of the very hot dry season. But strangely this banana tree still produces fruit even though the leaves are gone.

Why is that so? At first the fruit does not want to grow but over time the fruit starts to grow. As is known, the banana tree will stop releasing new leaves after the fruit comes out. In contrast to other types of trees, in general, they still release new leaves after bearing fruit.

Maybe because a banana tree can only bear fruit once and dies, the banana tree will no longer have leaves after bearing fruit. How can you explain why a banana tree without leaves can still grow its fruit, see the video for a logical explanation:

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Preventing Wilted Chilli Plants in the Dry Season

During the dry season it is most difficult to keep the plants fresh. Especially if you plant it in a field where it is difficult to get water. Because the need for water for plants is even more, so that during this dry season farmers tend not to plant crops.

To reduce water evaporation in plants, it can be done by planting large shade plants and dense leaves, but the effect can reduce the amount of incoming sunlight. For some types of plants this way is not good.

There are several tricks to keep the plants fresh, and even then they are limited to plants that are near the location of the water intake, even if the location is far away it will be difficult. This trick is to make a water supply from a bottle with a wick on the lid so that the water supply will continue. With this method the supply can last about 8 hours. After that it must be filled again.

For details, see the video below:

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Second Period Long Bean Harvest Can Be More

The 2nd period long beans harvest is more than the first. The 2nd period is the period after the plants run out of fruiting in period 1 then they are cut for rejuvenation.

So, what farmers usually do when planting long beans is that they always assume that the long bean harvest is only one period. They always let the long bean plants without caring for them after the first harvest period.

What is meant by the first period is the harvest season for about 1 to 1.5 months. After that it died. Even though the second harvest could be more as long as the plants are cared for properly and given enough fertilizer.

In the video below, I am trying to plant long beans and take care of them after the first harvest period by giving enough fertilizer. Long bean plants will thrive again and bear more fruit from the first period.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Experiment to Philodendron Birkin

Philodendron Birkin is an ornamental plant that grows in subtropical areas, with attractive leaf colors for the ornamental plant hobbyist.

This plant has a green-white leaf color pattern that people like. But the color of this pattern cannot always appear, this depends on where the plant is stored. If placed in a place that is exposed to a lot of sunlight or in a bright place with warm air, a white color will appear. But if it is placed in a place that is not exposed to sunlight, the green color will dominate the leaf color.

I did an experiment on this plant by covering the leaves and the colors that appeared were surprising. Precisely change the color if the environmental conditions are not as usual. So what experiments have I done? Check out the following 2 videos:

To Control Leaf of Philodendron Birkin

How to make Philodendron Birkin change into half moon:

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Keajaiban Cara Merambat Tanaman Kacang Panjang

 Bagi anda yang sudah biasa memperhatikan cara tanaman kacang panjang merambat melalui sulur atau lanjaran, mungkin hal ini tidak aneh. Atau mungkin tidak memperhatikan hal ini. Jika diperhatikan maka arah rambatan tanaman kacang panjang ini semuanya searah yaitu berlawanan arah dengan jarum jam.

Dari 10 pohon tanaman kacang panjang yang saya tanam ini semua membelit dengan arah yang sama, padahal tidak pernah diarahkan. Mungkin ini sudah hukum alam sehingga arah rambatan atau cara membelitnya semuanya sama dengan arah putaran sistem tata surya. 

Untuk jelasnya bisa dilihat dalam video saya bisa diklik pada link berikut: Keajaiban rambatan Kacang Panjang.Atau bisa langsung dilihat videonya dibawah ini:

Tanaman Sayuran buat di Rumah

 Beberapa jenis tanaman mungkin cocok buat di rumah anda terutama yang tidak mempunyai lahan cukup luas, berikut adalah contoh cara menanam dan jenis tanaman apa saja yang bisa ditanam di sekitar rumah anda. 

Di bawah ini adalah contoh video yang menggambarkan jenis jenis tanaman sayuran yang bisa ditanam baik dalam pot maupun dalam ember besar. Untuk melihat videonya bisa diklik disini: Beberapa Jenis Tanaman Sayur buat di Rumah.

Atau bisa langsuk lihat videonya dibawah ini:

Friday, October 27, 2017

Foxglove Flower

Foxglove is the common name for about 20 to 30 species of summer flowering for short lived perennial herbs in the genus Digitalis, family Scrophular iaceae. They are native to Europe and northwest Africa to Central Asia. The common foxglove, D. purpurea, grows to a height of 150 cm (5 ft). Its leaves are alternate, lance shaped, up to cm (1 ft) long, and hairy above with soft white hairs below. Leaves are tapered at the base to form winged stalks. The flowers droop on erect racemes, and the fruit capsule with numerous seeds.

Common foxglove is found in cleanings, in burned areas, and in fully dry pastures, and it is often grown as an ornamental. Many varieties have been originated through breeding, with flowers varying from white to deep rose in color. The dried leaves, the source of the drug digitalis used for heart trouble, have been used medicinally since the 13th century.

Growing tips

Site and soil preferences: Virtually any soil is fine. It should ideally being quite rich, but avoid wet and dry extremes, and grow in light shade.

Sowing: The optimum time to sow seed is as it matures on the plant in mid to late summer, before the end of August. A single seed capsule will provide hundreds of seeds, a few of which can be sown in ordinary seed compost, in containers, and placed somewhere cool and moist. The seedlings will produce large, early flowering plants for next summer. If you're relying on nature to do the work for you in borders, thin out the seedlings on the ground to enable them to reach a decent size. In a wild garden, don't intervene; higgledy-piggledy is fine.

Other Flowers:

Tomato Party

In Spain this tomato party called as La Tomatina is only one of the celebrations of a week long festival with musical bands, fireworks, food, and over all fun. This is a war were there are expected to be no winners, but where all have fun. The party is ceremony every last Wednesday of August, at the peak of tomato season, between 10 am and 1 pm. Everybody enjoys and the streets turn into rivers of tomato sauce.

La Tomatina party not available in all the country of Spain, but just in La Tomatina takes place in Buñol, a small town 25 km (about 30 miles) west of Valencia and well connected by train and bus.

People whose follow this party should follow the rule such as wear standard uniform is an old T-shirt, old shorts and eye goggles. T-shirts with bulls eyes printed on them are not recommended. Nearly 140 tons of tomatoes are trucked in from around the countryside and the argy-bargy begins with the firing of a rocket. An hour later, the end of the festival is announced with the firing of another rocket and the clean up of the tomato-slimed streets begin.

La Tomatina festival in Spain gives new meaning to the expression 'playing with your food'. For most of the year Bunol is a ho-hum industrial town, 40 km (25mi) from Valencia, quietly going about its own business. But come the last Wednesday of August, the town's streets turns into a salsa riot, with over 20,000 revelers pelting each other with large, red, squishy tomatoes.

On Tomato harvesting season, usually the price are very low, may be the farmer need that their fruit always used like on this party, by using of many tomato for this party, the tomato farmers hope that the price will stable again.

Fruit Can Make Free of Fat

Some fruit that can make you free from Fat are as below, especially if you don't eat others.

The weight of this almond fruit who ate about 3 ounces of these nuts every day reduced their weight and body-mass index by a solid 18 percent compared with an 11 percent drop in the no-nut group, a study in the International Journal of Obesity found. Almonds are high in alpha-linolenic acid, which can speed the metabolism of fats.

Berries fruit contain many C Vitamin, that indicate from the taste that rather sour. Vitamin C–loaded fruit such as strawberries and raspberries can help you sizzle up to 30 percent more fat during exercise, suggests research from Arizona State University at Mesa. Blend a vinaigrette of 1 cup berries and ¼ cup balsamic vinegar.

This spice could make your waistline nice. Sprinkling ¼ teaspoon on your food may prevent a post meal insulin spike—this increase normally occurs after you eat and “signals the body that it should store fat rather than burn it, this explain by Lauren Slayton, R.D., of New York City. Add a dash to your oatmeal, yogurt or coffee.

Mustard Yellow
The spice that gives mustard its color, turmeric, may slow the growth of fat tissues, a study in the journal Endocrinology notes. Eighty-six mayo in favor of any mustard; sprinkle turmeric on cauliflower and roast for a tangy side.

Oranges are usual fruit that often consume. This fruit can prevent pound creep with this citrus star: It contains fat-torching compounds called flavones. Women who ate the most flavones had a significantly lower increase in body fat over a 14-year period, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds. Snack on slices or drink freshly squeezed OJ (with pulp!) for the biggest payback.

May not all soybean can make your body slimmer. But these green gems are rich in choline, a compound that blocks fat absorption and breaks down fatty deposits. Add ½ cup edamame to a salad.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes are grown in tropical countries. They’re high in fiber, which means no drastic insulin jumps and thus less fat packed onto your hips. Bake a small sweet potato—think of two bars of soap as a portion size—and top with a dollop of lowfat or nonfat cottage cheese.

Swiss Cheese Holy cow
Calcium-rich foods reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase fat breakdown. This research is explained by Michael B. Zemel, Ph.D., director of the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Put toe to toe with some of its cheesy counterparts, Swiss is a heavy hitter in the calcium department; layer a slice on a lunchtime sandwich, or stack some on high-fiber crackers.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Lemon Orange

Lemons, Citrus Limon, of the Rutaceae family, are the most widely grown acid species belonging to the Citrus group of fruits. They rank third among all citrus fruits. They rank third among all citrus fruits in tonnage produced. The lemon is grown most successfully in mild coastal climatic regions. This fruit can find in Thailand, Malaysia and also from Indonesia.

Lemon trees are similar in appearance and longevity to Orange Trees. Propagation and cultivation are also similar, although the lemon profits more from heavily pruning. Lemon fruits have an ellipsoid shape, often with a neck on the stem (peduncle) end and a nipple on the other (stylar).

The fruit contains 30 to 45 percent juice depending on variety, climate, maturity, and storage. The acid in the cessed into frozen or concentrated juice and such by products as citric peel oil, pectin, and cattle feed.

The lemon is a small tropical tree with fragrant while flower, its yellow, acidic fruit is an important source of  Vitamin C.

Find Other Vegetables and Fruits
